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For The Love Of Parrots

WIKIBEAKS reveals secret parrot knowledge - for FREE!


Are you thinking of getting a parrot?

Do you have problems with a parrot?

Are you thinking of selling or rehoming a parrot? 



Parrots can live 80 years, but often lose their first homes before they are three years old. 

A parrot that loses its home because of problems often loses the next home, too. 

The parrot's life descends into a nightmare of suffering, misery and neglect.

The once beloved companion is condemned to life in a back room.

Maybe they wind up in a parrot mill, locked in a tiny dark cage to breed until their body is used up.

Don't let yourself be a link in that chain of misery!

Be sure that a parrot is right for you, and find the right parrot for YOUR situation. 

Life with a parrot can be wonderful IF YOU KNOW THE SECRETS TO SUCCESS.

WikiBeaks can help with all of this.

We tell you what the stores and breeders don't. We don't make any money from doing this.

We just want to give you the information you need to keep you and your parrot happy and healthy.

Thank you for stopping by - and ask if you have questions that aren't answered here. 


 Parrot Secrets 101 is a good place to start.

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Secrets 101


Important Knowledge

Thinking of getting a parrot? There are secrets you need to know.  Will the pet stores tell you these secrets? Or do they just want to sell you a bird? There are THOUSANDS OF ABANDONED PARROTS in rescues right now because their owners did not learn the truth in time. WikiBeaks hates that!  Learn the truth BEFORE you bring a parrot into your life. 


THIS IS THE BIGGEST SECRET: parrots are not domesticated animals. They are the wild descendants of the dinosaurs. While they can be tamed, they haven’t been bred for centuries to want to please humans. You can't make parrots do anything they don't want to do - such as obey you, stop chewing your furniture, be quiet, or at least be less loud than a jet engine. Parrots are loud and destructive by nature, and this CANNOT be trained out of them. 


THE PET STORE HAS ANOTHER BIG SECRET: they probably won't tell you where they get the parrots they sell. Many large stores depend on large-scale suppliers or back-yard breeders that operate bird mills. The breeder might keep parrots in small cages, with no toys or stimulation or attention, so that they will have nothing to distract them from breeding. They may not care for these parent birds well, because no one will ever see how ragged and unhealthy they are. They might take the chicks away too soon, before they are properly weaned. They might breed birds who are too closely related, or who have personality problems that might be passed on to the chicks. The store is likely to give you some vague and reassuring advice if you ask, and resist telling you the truth.  But you won't be satisfied with that! You will insist on knowing exactly where that bird came from, and then you will flex your Google Fu and learn all about the breeder. Maybe even visit their aviary if possible. Find out where they get the birds they use in their breeding program, and how humanely they are treated. Lots of parrots in wire cages in a back yard, exposed to the weather? Don't give that breeder a dime of your money.


ONE SURPRISING SECRET is that parrots are high maintenance. Some sellers will say that all you need to do is put seeds and water into the cage. They won’t tell you that a parrot needs hours of stimulation and attention every day. You must provide the proper “toys” - expensive to buy, especially for the large birds - to occupy the parrot when it is alone. When you are present, the parrot may need AT LEAST an hour of one-on-one personal attention from you if there is to be an affectionate bond. Parrots are flock animals, and spend their days interacting with one another. They need this interaction - personal attention, stimulation, toys - to be physically and mentally healthy. When you have a parrot, YOU are the flock. 


DID YOU KNOW THIS SECRET ? A parrot’s diet is complicated. An all-seed diet will cause terrible health and behavior problems.  Some species need a lot of fruit and not much protein in the diet, some need a lot of fat, some will get heart disease on a fatty diet, some require more calcium, and some need more fresh vegetables. Good quality pellets can provide the basis of a sound diet and are recommended for many parrots, and good quality pellets are expensive. Fresh foods to supplement these pellets must be prepared daily. The parrot cannot simply eat the same foods as you, because many human foods are toxic for them.  Expect to spend considerable time preparing food for your parrot.


ONE UNPLEASANT SECRET is that when you purchase a parrot, you are just beginning to spend money! In addition to the expensive “toys” and diet, a parrot needs a much bigger cage than you think - big enough to spread their wings, with proper bar spacing, made of stainless steel or powder-coated metal. Cheap cages can cause heavy metal poisoning from exposed welds or galvanized metal. A good cage is not cheap! A parrot also needs specialized medical care and regular examinations from a certified avian vet. Many vets see far more cats and dogs than birds, and don’t have the additional training to understand avian health issues and recognize problems before they become severe. Birds can hide illness until it is too late to treat them. Housing, feeding, and caring for a parrot is expensive. As in over a thousand dollars a year expensive.


THE HARDEST SECRET is that owning a parrot is a lifelong responsibility - and that some parrots can live 80 years or longer.  Are you ready for that? People move, go to school, fall in love with someone who’s allergic to parrots, get married, get divorced, lose jobs, have kids, get sick ... and sometimes can’t, won’t, or don’t know how to give the parrot proper care. If a parrot doesn’t get what it needs, it doesn’t matter if your intentions are good. The parrot can (and probably will) make your life miserable - screaming, plucking out its own feathers, biting, or worse - to the point where you can’t stand each other.


Both parrots and humans suffer when this happens. The parrot has no power to change things. The person may not know how to change things, and simply move the parrot away from the main living space. Some people will allow a parrot to suffer rather than give it up, because they paid a lot of money for it. Rescue and sanctuary organizations can help the ones who are surrendered, but many parrots lead terribly lonely, isolated lives, out of sight in back rooms and windowless basements. An invisible bird can’t be saved.


WikiBeaks thinks that if more people understood what owning a parrot really meant, there might be fewer of these poor invisible birds.


Parrots are intelligent and sensitive. They form emotional connections with others. It's traumatic for a parrot to be separated from its home and flock, including the human flock. Before you enter into the bonds of parrot ownership, won't you make SURE that living with a parrot is right for you? Are you sure that you can commit to supporting that parrot for its lifetime, including providing for it in your will? Don't rush! Take all the time you need. Ask a million questions. Check out reliable websites. Learn about the different species of parrots and the unique needs of each.  


KNOW THIS SECRET: parrots have different needs and personalities, and different parrots fit better in different living conditions. You want to know what species will be right for YOUR personality and living situation. You want to know how to search out that one parrot among all others that is meant for YOU and you alone. You want to avoid the cruel parrot mills that breed birds in inhumane conditions for sale to the pet trade. You want to know what sets a caring, ethical bird breeder apart from a callous "bird mill" operator. You want to know where to find these responsible breeders who care about their birds. Maybe you will choose to foster a parrot, or adopt a bird from a parrot rescue. WikiBeaks knows where you can get all the support you need. If you don't find what you need in these pages, ask. We want to help.


Are you unsure that parrot ownership is right for you at this moment, but still want to have parrots in your life? Maybe you would like to volunteer at a parrot rescue, support a parrot sanctuary, or help protect threatened native environments.  Parrots everywhere need your love and your support. Let WikiBeaks introduce you to a lively community of parrot lovers, and tell you about those who are doing good work on behalf of parrots everywhere. 

WikiBeaks is an all-volunteer organization devoted to improving the lives of companion parrots.  The best way to improve a parrot's life is to talk to people BEFORE they adopt a parrot they aren't equipped to care for properly. A YouTube parrot video can make parrot ownership look glamorous and fun , without making the risks and pitfalls obvious. That cute cockatoo who yells into the plastic cup as loud as he can? He does that for hours. Days. Years. He is bred to yell - yelling is what makes cockatoo a success among cockatoos, and he will yell for the rest of his life because he wants to succeed and make you proud of him.


WikiBeaks believes the only real way forward is to connect current and future human companions with good sources of information about parrots - what they need, how to care for them properly, and how to ensure they remain healthy and happy. It's also important to have a good match between the needs of the human and the needs of the parrot. Not every parrot is suitable for every human, some parrots should not be kept in captivity at all, and not every human is able to properly care for a parrot.  Plus, there are thousands of parrots in rescues now - if people knew how to work with these birds, they might be more willing to adopt a bird in need of a home.


Your donations go toward the expenses of helping WikiBeaks get this information to the people who need it. No salaries, no perks - everything goes toward the mission: toward getting the message out there to as wide an audience as possible. 


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